On Monday, the 15th of June I finally started the green Via Alpina! Actually the whole journey started already on Sunday evening. My dad drove me and my friend Elena to the Startpoint in Liechtenstein. In the woods next to the curehouse (idk if that’s translated correctly) we set up our tent. I slept terribly that night!

In the morning we made our way down to Vaduz. Before that, we walked like 15min uphill, because I thought there is an actuall startpoint. But there was nothing to be found. Finally we started, all downhill to Vaduz 🙂 We made there a quick break and got our first stamp in our hiking pass! When you got all the stamps you get a certificate from the Tourism Switzerland. I think it’s a pretty cool idea to make the hike even more special.
On that first day was a lot of road walking and road walking isn’t fun! On that day we also walked by a few castles, that was really cool! No wonder the first stamp was a castle. We made it to Sargans, because there was no good camping spot in sight before. So we ended up to camp behind the shooting club Sargans 😉 Really, I‘m not kidding! It was kinda funny, because in the evening people were having a party and we got „caught“. The owner said it‘s fine and we were also relieved!
The weather was actually better than expected! In the night before it was a little bit raining so at our lunchbreak we layed out our tents to dry. It worked perfect and we were kind of the attraction of the village. Well, that‘s like we felt.
Allover, it was a good first day!